A Mestre’s Life in Capoeira Angola, Bahia, Brazil

A Graphic Novel about the practice and teachings of Gran Mestre Nô

Please support Gran Mestre Nô in telling his life's story, an oral history told through a graphic novel revealing the wisdom and mysteries of capoeira angola.

For your contribution of $75 or more, you will receive a limited edition of graphic design T-shirt honoring Gran Mestre Nô.

The 1st chapter of Gran Mestre Nô’s life will soon be complete.

Norival Moreira de Oliveira, a 7 year old boy, experiences his first Capoeira Angola roda, meets his 4 mestres, takes his first classes, enters the roda for the first time…

In his words, with my illustrations, the story illuminates a lost world colored by capoeiristas and mestres, far from the center of town.

We thank you in advance for your support. All funds go directly to Gran Mestre Nô and to this project.


Mestre Ombrinho

Gran Mestre Nô